Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Six Pointers to be a Champion at Interviewing

Going through my emails I noticed a new follower to my Twitter Account - Shonette Charles. I don't "tweet" often and when I do, it is most often some quote that catches my eye. Nothing steamy or even very entertaining, just something that makes me think.  Shonette did not say why she decided to follow my tweets so I thought I should take a peek at her page and see if I could determine what attracted her attention.  No such luck.  But, she had an excellent post I thought our readers would enjoy:

Here goes  “Six Pointers to be a Champion at Interviewing” 

  •          Do your research.
  •          Anticipate questions.
  •          Practice!
  •          Attitude and mannerisms matter.
  •          Ask questions...thoughtful ones.
  •          Make your final impression a great one!
Thanks for sharing Shonette.

Read the details on Shonette’s Pearls, Poise & Protocol Page.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing, Cynthia!
    -Shonette Charles
